About B
Keeper of the B specializes in raw local honey from the beehive state. All of our honey is unfiltered, unpasteurized, raw and local. The honey bee population has been under great amounts of stress the last few decades! By working in close partnership we have come to realize that the bee keeps us in every way! Honey production is just one small way the honey bee tends to our natural world. They are truly the Earth’s circulatory system! We love to use all things bee related so our product line is ever expanding. We now have over 16 different honey varieties, numerous different sized 100% bee’s wax candles, reusable bee’s wraps, bee pollen, assorted candies, and chap-stick. At Keeper of the B we know it is the Bee who keeps me! (us) …read more

Are you Local? Get free delivery within the Salt Lake Valley. Use “LOCALFREESHIP” at the checkout page. Minimum of $50 purchase.
Our honey is 100% raw and unfiltered. With our honey you can expect NO preservatives, No added sugars, no added ANYTHING! 100% of the time .
The happiness of the bee and the dolphin is to exist. For man it is to know that, and wonder at it
— Jacques Yves Cousteau

Reach Out!
Don’t BEEEE shy! We love your questions, comments and concerns!